Burlington Contemporary
Burlington Contemporary is an online platform for writing and research on international contemporary art, published by The Burlington Magazine.
The site, which is free to access, publishes weekly reviews and articles, written by leading critics, artists and scholars.
The Journal section of the site is an open-access peer-reviewed online journal, published twice a year. This presents cutting-edge research on recent art, written to the highest academic standards, yet accessible to a wide international audience.
To keep up to date with our latest news and reviews, sign up to our fortnightly newsletter.
The Burlington Magazine
The Burlington Magazine was founded in London in 1903 by a group of art historians including Roger Fry and Bernard Berenson. Published monthly ever since, it is the longest-running art journal in the English language. It is owned by an independent charitable trust.
Contact us
Send us an email
The Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd.
14–16 Duke’s Road
London WC1H 9SZ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7388 1228
Kathryn Lloyd
Contemporary Art Editor
Yi Ting Lee
Editorial Assistant
Sarah Bolwell
Head of Partnerships
Support us
Find out how you can support Burlington Contemporary
Burlington Contemporary is free to read, but it is not free to publish. We are a small non-profit publisher owned by an independent charitable trust, The Burlington Magazine Foundation. If you are in a position to help support our mission to publish new research on recent art, then we would welcome your donation.
If you or your institution would like to become a regular supporter of Burlington Contemporary then please contact Andrew Dunn, Managing Director, either by email dunn@burlington.org.uk, telephone +44 (0)20 7388 1228, or at The Burlington Magazine, 14–16 Dukes Road, London WC1H 9SZ
For more information on partnerships with Burlington Contemporary, contact Sarah Bolwell, Head of Partnerships, by email bolwell@burlington.org.uk.
Contributing Institutions
Submit a journal article
We are currently seeking submissions of new research on contemporary art for future issues of Burlington Contemporary Journal. All articles are peer reviewed.
This section relates only to article submissions for Burlington Contemporary Journal; exhibition and book reviews are not included in journal issues.
The deadline for submissions for issue 11 is Monday 12th August 2024.
Journal article submissions, which should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words, must be based on original, unpublished research. All articles will be subject to peer review.
Please send submissions to burlingtoncontemporary@burlington.org.uk.
Burlington Contemporary welcomes submissions of articles that deal with the work of living artists, or with work made after 1960. Articles should be the result of new research that has not been published elsewhere. Submissions are judged in relation to their international and lasting significance to the field of contemporary art. All submissions are subject to peer review. We are unable to consider article submissions by authors regarding their own artistic practice.
Before submitting an article, potential contributors should send a 150-word synopsis to the Contemporary Art Editor, Kathryn Lloyd: lloyd@burlington.org.uk. Authors are strongly advised to study a recent issue of the journal before getting in touch concerning potential articles.
Articles should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words.
Footnotes should be limited to references; discursive footnotes will be cut.
Excerpted interviews may be considered as an appendix if they are of exceptional importance. Otherwise quotes from interviews should be worked into the running text of an article.
Where possible, manuscripts should be submitted in English, although submission in other major European languages are acceptable. If an article in a foreign language is accepted, the Magazine will arrange to have it translated.
All quotations from non-English language sources should be translated into English and the original text put into a footnote.
Articles should be sent as email attachments in the form of a Microsoft Word document, using the programme’s footnote facility. Please do not submit a PDF.
Burlington Contemporary has its own house style and articles will be edited to conform with it. We use British spelling and style, and with a few exceptions conform to the preferences of The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors.
Illustrations, video and audio content
We welcome film and audio content in addition to images. Please contact the editor to discuss this.
For an article of 3,000 words, we recommend between eight and twelve illustrations.
Please include as part of the article a numbered list of illustrations, which should relate to figure references within the text.
Please supply low resolution files of the images. These may be grouped into a separate Word document or pdf file. Please do not place illustrations within the text of the article. If the article is accepted we will discuss with the author the ordering of high-resolution files and the payment of reproduction fees.
Peer review
We aim to respond to all authors within three months of their submission.
All submitted articles are read by the editors and if deemed potentially suitable for publication are sent out for peer review. As a result of the referees’ report an article will be rejected, accepted unconditionally, or (most usually) returned to the author with an invitation to resubmit following the referees’ suggestions. Once an article is accepted we endeavour to give the author a provisional date for publication.
Image fees and reproduction costs
We are committed to working with authors of accepted articles to negotiate reproduction fees, covering these costs and obtaining images where necessary.